Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Santa Comes To Stockholm

Santa Arrives- no chimney, enters thru electrical outlet

The Christmas Feast-yes that's turkey( OK,what would you cook it on? The range is 50-250. Betty Crocker says 325)

For You Chad, a real tree all handmade Swedish ornaments

The girls debating over kitchen clean up. Dad is downstairs doing it!

Dad greeted us at the airport on Dec. 22nd. It had been a wonderful trip, but both of us were looking forward to Christmas with Dad in Stockholm. It was extremely cold -15, and blanketed in snow. We knew Santa would have no problems getting through. We were a little concerned about his team;  reindeer blankets, mittens, hats, and even pate' covers the shelves of many of Stockholm's best retailers. But we knew at least Rudolph would make it. Nobody would be so cruel as to take down that buck with the red nose. And with Santa starting his journey in Finland around the Artic Circle, even with just one reindeer, we figured he could make it this far.

In Sweden, the big day of celebration is Dec. 24th. Everything closes early, and people go home to churches, feasts, and present opening. There is a special drink called glogg, which is served during the holidays. It is a blend of two bottles of red wine, two cups of vodka, and wonderful spices and cinnamon. It takes away the Swedish chill. For Tom, Marin, and  I, the 24th brought a banquet of turkey, stuffing, homemade pickles, olives, potatoes, cauliflower, and artichokes. The feast was followed by the IPAD Game of Life (Mom won), Wizzard (Mom won), Careers (Mom won), do we see a pattern here? Frustrated, a few want to bed early. But, on the 25th, Marin came back strong to mash Mom and Dad in the game of hearts. Chad, I was really missing you buddy, the level of competition dropped sorely this year!

We all slept in on the 25th. Fresh cinnamon buns, coffee, and Santa's surprises awaited us. Marin was a little worried heading off to bed , Christmas Eve. She didn't know how Santa would get in. Few apartments in Stockholm have chimneys. Tom assured her "he always finds a way". (Pictured above). She was pleasantly surprised Christmas morning. She was kind enough to organize a Christmas outing. But when we arrived, we found the movie had started an hour earlier and was in Swedish. Later that day, we were lucky enough to catch, Megamind-3D. It was even in English, with Swedish subtitles, of course. On our return home, we caught up by phone with family members and friends.

It was a very special Christmas in Stockholm, and as this year comes to a close,  I would like to wish all eight of my readers, a very happy, healthy, and prosperous New Year!

Monday, December 27, 2010

So We Go A Travelin

Marin's arrival on December 12th quickly moved the household into seasonal celebration. In Sweden we celebrate St. Lucia Day (Dec. 13th), children dress in white frocks and headdresses and deliver sweet treats (cinnamon buns),early in the morning. It is to congratulate and celebrate getting through the shortest day of the year. (Slight discrepancy there, haven't figured that out yet).With her jet lag, we delivered her buns and strong coffee to her bed, and our first St. Lucia day began. Our next door neighbors were kind enough to invite us to a St Lucia concert their son was singing in. The concert was held in a beautiful church downtown and the costumes and music were lovely! Later we all came back to our apartment for wine and hor'douvers.

December 14th was our day for travel. Around noon we headed for our bus to the airport, and then on to Barcelona, Spain. Barcelona is a magnificent city! It rivals New York in size and has no shortage of things to do. Marin and I always start our city explorations with Chad's favorite, the "On and Off" bus. After getting a feel for what there is to explore, we hone in on our interests. This trip we agreed should be centered on architecture and with that we discovered  Gaudi! We hit most of  his works in Barcelona, but we made a deal. We are planning to return to the city in twenty five years when the Sagrada Familia is complete, and see the rest of his works outside the city. Any joiners?

We sat on pins and needles as one flight after another was canceled to Lisbon, Portugal. The blizzard had hit London, and planes were getting caught in Northern Europe. Just as we were about to give up for the night, and find a place to nap. One plane made it through, and the second leg of our trip was on- Lisbon, Portugal.

Lisbon does not rival Barcelona except for it's aquarium.(Certainly we could never miss checking them out in the cities we explore). The economy in Portugal is really struggling. What better place to Christmas shop? Marin quickly learned that by trying to convince me not to buy something, the prices immediately fell by 30%. It was like magic! We returned home with four leather purses, three knit sweaters, two silver earrings and a parrot in a magnolia tree.. All made in Portugal! We had done our part to help out.

Portugal is a beautiful country once you are out of Lisbon. It has a hilly countryside, totally green as we toured it. We were lucky and hit it during the rainy season, which made the landscape colors vibrant and rich. At 65 degrees, you don't care if a few raindrops fall. It was a stark contrast to our white Stockholm at -8. But as Marin reminded me, it just didn't feel like Christmas. So with Christmas gifts in hand, we happily headed back to the best Christmas land of all, Stockholm Sweden! 

Lisbon, Portugal A peak at the downtown area

       My travel buddy at her best

Gaudi's Park Guell Barcelona, Spain

The Washer Women, an arcade column

Santa Maria Del Mar, attended Messiah

Obidos, Portugal,our final adventure

Friday, December 3, 2010

Winter Comes

While the timing of Chad's arrival was perfect for Tom's  and my outlook, our weather changed dramatically with his visit. Poor guy! The temperatures dropped by 10 degrees, and everyday he was here at least a little snow fell. By the time he left, I shoveled off 6-8 inches of snow from our balconies. Since then, our ground has been white and our temperatures consistently below freezing. I have learned it is never too cold to go outside. It is just a matter of dressing properly. Today was an example, temperatures were well below freezing, and snow fell heavily at times. But my jog around the park was wonderful, because I have mastered how many layers to put on. I love running in the snow, as it pads your step. My knees never hurt afterwards. As it is coming down, it is beautiful and you even get a better workout, as your shoes slip in the snow, traction is difficult.

So winter has arrived. You can feel it coming. First the winter coats come out. And you know they are here until spring. Then you make a note to self, "Don't leave the house without gloves on". Next, unlike Connecticut, you need a hat! The final step to winter, is the scarf. To avoid pain, you have to cover your face. I believed our temperatures here would be like Ridgefield. Not so, more snow, much colder temperatures!

The snow is wonderful  because it brightens everything up. All my plants are lined up against a window, competing for as much sunshine as they can get, each day brings less. Yesterday, I left a Christmas lunch at 3:30pm, and it was dark. Both Tom and I get up in the dark, about 8:30am, it starts to get light. So we are still getting about seven hours of light. It doesn't seem to bad to me, I enjoy the Christmas lights more in the dark. And as soon as I get home, I turn on our lights. As I decorated, I picked out some fun lighting. They have the most unique lights here. Nothing like them in the states. I have one light that looks like a bird cage, even has little tweeties in it. (Thought it would keep Gunnar amused). Another looks like a big blossom opening to bloom. The others defy description. You will have to come see.

Maybe not right now, but in the spring. Hope your Thanksgiving was wonderful and the Christmas season brings special joys.

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Our First Visitor

     Just as the novelty of living in a new country wore off. And the realization of how far away from friends and family we now are, set in. Our first visitor, Chad, arrived. His timing could not have been better. Tom and I both needed something to look forward to. A pal to hang with, and just feel comfortable around. I found myself just reading outside his bedroom door while he slept. To just be close to someone you love that much, is the most wonderful feeling in the world. What was so different about it, is that you don't take it for granted. You adore your mate, but you assume he will be with you forever. With a child who has become an adult, you know how precious each hour is. They will be leaving again, to rejoin their life.
     We had a lovely week! Hockey games, movies from the Stockholm Film Festival, a little Christmas shopping, and some very fine dinners.(OK,why am I thinking you are all responding to that last comment, "Oh, I guess they ate out.". Anyway, I must say, he was a very easy guest. He slept in, so we had time to do those routine things that need to be done. He enjoyed shopping for groceries and ,at times, insisted on cooking. We even shared a bathroom, our schedules differed, so that even worked nicely. It was our best week yet, here in Stockholm!
     Thanks Bud for coming, we know how precious a week of vacation is!

Friday, October 29, 2010

Nothing But Blue Skies

   Did I say I would check in later in the week? I meant month, cause we have had nothing but blue skies since I left you!
      I just came in from a run around the park and it was another beautiful day. As I went over my first hill a small flock of  pigeons took off all around me and it was wonderful! The sun was bright, the leaves coming down, and the grass deep green with a covering of yellow and orange. A moment in life, when you just smile to yourself, and say thank God I am alive!
     My past month has been like this, lovely days one after the other. OK, a few might have been completely frustrating, like the day I took Grunnar to the vet for his pet passport.(They couldn't find his microchip, or documentation at the airport so they thought I had brought him in  illegally). After 3.5hrs at the vet's office, I was escorted to the airport where Gunnar was going to be taken from me, unless his chip could be detected. Luckily, it was just that the vet's equipment was faulty, and the microchip was immediately scanned by customs. Everyone apologized for the inconvenience. (The escapade took the whole day, and cost $130.00 in taxi fares, running Gunnar and I back and forth to the airport.) But, stuff like that happens here. The good news was that the vet did not charge me for the time I was detained at their offices.
     Anyway, there are a few of those days, anywhere you live, right? For the most part, the month has been blue skies. Now that our sea cargo has arrived and we are settled, our developement has been social. I am a member of the International Women's Club, the American Women's Club, a book group, and two walking groups ( I rotate every other Friday). Yes,I probably over did it, but I was worried about isolation during those short cold winter months. I had no idea of the social networks available to expats. If I chose to, I could be busy with one group or the other, five days a week. Next week for example, book club meets Monday. Tuesday I have been invited to the British Women's club for lunch to hear a speaker who grew up in India as a missionary"s child. Wednesday, I am having my friends over for lunch so they can check out the pad. Thursday is a tour of the House of Nobility with the IWC. And Friday, of course, is a long walk somewhere in Stockholm, and lunch with friends. Saturday, Tom and I are attending the IWC 50th year gala. Sunday, we have invited neighbors for wine.
     Tom and I have never been so social. People are calling frequently to have dinner, go to a movie, or attend a gospel concert. I have been overwhelmed by their kindness! In turn, we have tried to have many back. We feel well established and very lucky to be here in Stockholm. I am not expecting these beautiful skies to remain long, where are those harsh Swedish winters? But we are now unpacked, connected, and ready to face them. Gunnar has been praying for snow, then Mom might stay in for a change. Be well, I miss you all and hope you will come for a visit!

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Our Adventure to Sigtuna and Beyond

Readers I apologize, I did something inadvertently and lost most of my last blog. Search as I did, most of the night, I did not recover it. Alas, my technical  support was sleeping!
     To continue, where I left you, our first adventure outside of Stockholm, took us to the little town of Sigtuna. (We have pictures, but will need a few weeks to figure out how to incorporate them.) Sigtuna is Sweden's second oldest town and was founded in 980AD. As you might guess, it became a center of Christianity. Tom was thrilled to tour the remaining three churches of this medieval village. The main street was beautiful despite the years. It was lined with colorful wooden buildings and the town hall was the smallest in Sweden, built in 1744. We weren't sure what the towns outside of Stockholm would be like. Would they contain a hotel, restaurants, etc. Sigtuna did contain a hotel, it was lovely, perched on top of a cliff,  looking down on the water. It also had a few small restaurants and shops.
     From Sigtuna, we headed for the fourth largest city in Sweden, Uppsala. Uppsala is known as a university town. The first university in Scandinavia was built here in 1477. It is a busy city full of students and historical buildings. We had lunch and then explored the Gothic Catherdral, castle, and botanical gardens. As we were walking back to the car along the Gamla Stan (old city), we noticed a gathering of people and a blockade. We went to investigate and found they had closed off several of the streets. The Hollywood film crew was in town filming the movie Millennium. We stayed to watch many takes of a parade scene which came right down the center of town. We didn't see any of the major actors, but regardless, we felt very lucky to catch the filming. I had heard rumors they were filming in Uppsala, because Stockholm would not close off streets. But, everything has been kept quiet, so large crowds would not show up during filming.
     For those of you not familar with the Millennium movie, the film is based on the books by Steg Larsson. He is a Swedish author who sets his stories in Stockholm. Most of his good guys, live in Slussen. A southern suberb of Stokholm. Only one of his characters, the evil rapist, murderer, comes from our part of town, Vasastaden. If  you are coming for a visit, his three books could be fun reading. During your visit, I could incorporate a Steg Larsson tour, over some of the prettiest streets of  Stockholm. His first title is, The Girl With The Dragon Tatoo. I will leave you  to rush to your bookstore and check in with you later in the week!

Monday, September 27, 2010

Making Friends

Until now our social calendars have been a little flat. We have met a few neighbors. Joined one couple for wine and appetizers and another for dinner. Both couples were genuinely interested in us and very eager to help us get adjusted. No one could ask for more. But day to day, you really miss those friends you left behind! Last week was a great one because I joined the International Women's Club. While the Swedish friends I have made, can always be counted on for help and direction when asked. They have established friends, and unlike Americans, the more the merrier does not apply.
At the International Club, I found it quite different. Interestingly enough, I did not meet a single American, but many Brits, Dutch, and Asians. The common theme throughout was that we were all looking for new friends! For the first time since we arrived, my dance card is filled. I had three invites to lunch this week, a friend who wanted to revisit the Modern Museum, and a reception for a gentlemen publishing his first book. Knowing a few people certainly helps the adjustment.
Besides a social life opening up to us, Tom and I took our first adventure outside of Stockholm. It was a beautiful fall weekend, the tops of our trees are just starting to color. We ventured to a little town an hour outside Stockholm-

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Rain, Rain, Go Away!

The most asked question on my blog is, how is the weather there? Our first week was spectacular! Sixty five to seventy five with bright blue skies everyday. I thought I was in heaven. It was hard to make yourself go inside. We took full advantage of our park across the street and had trouble walking past any sidewalk cafe. However, like life, things change, and you have to flow with them. And that is exactly what Gunnar and I are doing. Instead of our walk in the park, we swim it, OK, he really takes his little row boat Tom made for him. The rain began our second week, temperatures dropped to the fifties, and I am afraid winter coats are now out for the season! But my neighbor has told me we have about another month of good weather, OK. He must like rain, because it hasn't stopped for two weeks. No problem, umbrellas came in our air freight and we enjoy falling asleep to the sound of rain on our rooftop!
We have good news-we have been given our personal numbers! This opens horizons for us here in Sweden. Today will be special, not only because the boys are coming by to clean the ventilation system, but also because we will head to our bank this afternoon to set up electronic banking! I never thought I would get so excited about paying bills, but the alternative is facing us and I really don't want our electricity turned off.
My new stove is working like a gem, and again I have seen great growth in my domestic side, I look forward to planning and making dinners! Why do I hear some of you laughing, it is true. Today will also be special, because my imaginary housekeeper, Olga comes. And what a great job she does! Here in Sweden, no one has housekeepers, lawn people, tree trimmers, or staff to help them. they do it all themselves. Because of this landscaping and lawns are not kept to US standards, but are let to grow naturally. All people work full time, except when a child is born. Then, husband and wife have one year of fully paid time off to care for the child. This means the wife might take off nine months and then the husband three. Or they could split it, six months and six months. But, the husband must take at least three of the months off , or the family loses those months. It is wonderful to see so many Dads in the parks and with strollers, Swedes share child raising, on the whole, more evenly. After one year, the child must go to day care or a relative, both parents must return to full time work. There is no choice. The social benefits that each family is given, requires all citizens to work full time, for the government to afford it. Some of these benefits are subsidized health care, fully paid education through your masters if you qualify with good grades, and a pension. You can fully retire at sixty five or you can work half time from age sixty two to sixty seven and then fully retire.
Oh, excuse me, I'll leave you to your retirement planning. Olga just arrived, so we must get to work! That means , I've finished my third cup of coffee, and it is now or never for those bath rooms. have a great week, we are!

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Houssehold Chores

     Tom has a busy week at work, including hosting his two bosses, a trip to London, and a trip to Copenhagen. His normal work week has him leaving here at 7:00am, and returning around 8:00pm, when he is in town. I am very happy I brought (aka Kalvin, our cat), he is now known as Gunnar, he feels he fits in better. Adjustment for Gunnar has been a little slow, he reminds me he is a country cat, in the city. Also, the only other pets we have come across in the building are toy poodles. Gunnar believes they move way to fast, and are very snippy and yippy! He has told us he could take them both on simultaneously,(he weighs more than the two of them added together), but he realizes this is not the reputation he is looking for.
     So with cat walks to the park filling my day, you can understand why I have taken a new interest in household chores. To begin, a few things we were promised, when we first saw  the apartment, didn't materialize. Most of you are aware our lease stated, "one cat", not the oral OK, they gave us for two. Also, the "parking in the building", did exist, but as a tenant, not the original owner, Tom was not eligible. So he continues to circle the block in search of a space, and I run out when he travels, moving it and paying the $15 daily parking fee. The lighting that was removed,  has been replaced, so it's a much brighter place. And believe it or not, when our landlord left, he left us with an oven and stove which did not work. Last week, my household chore was to replace it. Last night we had our first homecooked meal!
     We are piecing it altogether, but our sea cargo has not arrived, so a place to sit, is tough to find. And I am growing tired of laying on an airobed on the floor! It does motivate you to keep much cleaner floors, and here I have grown as a housekeeper! Besides the normal floors and bathrooms, there isn't alot of dusting necessary yet, Gunnar and I keep ourselves entertained by doing laundry. Our washer here in the apartment can hold a maximum load of three pairs of shorties (Tom's briefs) and two pairs of socks. OK, maybe a slight exageration, but pretty close. And of course, there is no dryer, again, something that wasn't mentioned during our original viewing.
     But I am getting plenty of exercise, I use the laundry six flights down and across the complex. That is no exaggeration! It requires walking outside so it should be fun when the snow flies.Anyway, it does have larger washers,but Swedes don't use a tumble dryer. Instead, you have bars that you hang your clothes across, you close the dryer and it bakes your clothes dry. Yes, that is true , when you take the clothes out, they have the texture of baked chicken skin.(Nice and crispy) I am exploring fabric softeners now, but they present one more large container you  must drag back from the grocery store! Highlight of my week, I now can shop without Tom's assistance.  I use to need extra hands to carry everything back from the grocery. Now I take the large black-wheeling suitcase, we sent our kids to college with, I wheel it down (about a mile), fill it to the brim, and wheel it back. There are a few groceries closer, however, if you don't want black bananas, and apples as big as walnuts, it is worth the trip!
      So goes our life here in Sweden, it has truly been great fun so far! We were warned, things will be different. It developes one's sense of humor. And we are saving all kinds of money on a gym-still no personal number. We do go across the street to the park and run. Probably, heading there shortly, not wash day today. Be well and appreciate those washer/dryers!

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Safe Arrival

After twenty some hours of travel, and three kitty tranquilizers, (Tommy was considering a double dose himself), we arrived safely in Stockholm. The highlight of our excursion was an outburst of meows from Kalvin (our unlucky cat), announcing he was done, going to grab his two beers and take the shut. At a lose for what to do, in desperation, I lifted him from his box, and tried to comfort him on my lap. Everyone on the plane was trying to sleep and we had already exceeded the vets maximum amount of kitty tranquilizers.

It took about three minutes, and suddenly a half dozen passengers scattered in the rear of the plane(that's where all passengers with animals HAVE TO SIT, even if you are a platinum traveler and have flown around the world seven times in the last week. " You have pet, you sit by toilet in back of plane.") came down with the worst cold of their lives. Hacking, coughing ,sneezing, I was suddenly worried we were breathing bad air. ( OK, I know I am slow!)Then it dawned on me, I never knew so many people had cat allergies! And why would the airline seat them in the cat section? I was horrified I had made so many people uncomfortable! AS I jammed Kalvin back in his cat box , my husband was hysterical with laughter.

So Kalvin did not enjoy the flight, along with the other passengers. But we made it! On arrival, our realtor met us, to be sure there was only one cat! And we had the pleasure of inventorying the condition and contents of the apartment. Exactly what you need after twenty hours of travel! One thing we immediately noticed, all the lights had been removed from the apartment. It was dark, luckily our realtor had a flashlight! So our first task could be completed and with a clear direction of what we wanted to accomplish our next day-lighting we ended our first night. As Johanna left us it became very dark and we both quietly realized we were in for quite an adventure!

Friday, August 27, 2010

Sea Cargo Has Left

One week remaining until we must be out of our home. The sea cargo left yesterday, we should meet up with it in Stockholm in eight weeks. Until then, our new home will be easy to clean. I'm sure a trip to Ikea is in order when we arrive. I think I will take my cat,Kalvin. Kalvin is the Squeaky one. I am currently taking him for long walks in his cat carrier. He pops his head and paws out the top and just takes it all in. When traffic speeds by, he just ducks inside the box for protection. His life will be expanding. He will travel to Sweden with us at our feet in the plane. We found an apartment right in the heart of Stockholm which will allow us to keep one cat. Tyler our outdoor boy will be living with our friends the Haugs for two years.

I think we are in good shape for the move. We have borrowed Chad's. Jeep to keep us going until Sept.4th. We have sold the highlander and put the BMW in storage. I have told Tom , he can pick out whatever he likes over there. He will be the one using it, as I will walk or take the subway everywhere. I love our little place! Two floors, two balconies, and two full baths; features very hard to find in a Stockholm apartment. It is across the street from a park, where I'm sure we will jog and snowshoe. Yes the snowshoes left with the sea cargo. Tom refused to pack ice skates. I put in two pairs, THought a visitor or my daughter might join me.

So my friends, our journey begins......please check occasionally to follow our adventures.